Experience Record
2020-2021GIZ: Team Leader of a Bus Feasibility Study for Northern Namibia
2020KfW: Scoping Study for Employment Effects in Transport
2019-2020ReCAP: Scoping Study to Explore the Suitability of SDG Indicator 9.1.2 for Rural Access
2019-2020UN Habitat: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Mitrovica, Kosovo. 
019World Bank: Rural freight logistics to connect to major trade and transport corridors.
2018KfW: Technical preparation of mobility projects in Morocco and Tunisia
2018KfW: E-Mobility in Nepal, Scoping Study on the introduction of e-bikes in Kathmandu.
2018ISI Fraunhofer Institut (Karlsruhe): LOWCARB−RFC — European Rail Freight Corridors Going Carbon Neutral, Analysis of External Costs
2017KfW: Ex-post evaluation of the budget support for the transport sector in Namibia
2016-2017Asian Development Bank: Ningxia Liupanshan Poverty Reduction Rural Road Development - Design of a household survey on the impacts of rural roads, China.
2016 KfW: Ex-post evaluation of the project Rehabilitation of National Road San Pedro Carchá – Fray Barolomé de las Casas, Guatemala.
2016 Barrier-free Mobility, Research Project on behalf of Matthias Gastel (MP, Green Party, Germany)
2015-2017 SLOCAT: Promotion of Sustainable Rural Access in the Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda prepared for AFCAP-ASCAP
2015-2016 Asian Development Bank: Ningxia Liupanshan Poverty Reduction Rural Road Development - Poverty and Impact Evaluation, China
2015 KfW: Ex-post evaluation of the project Rehabilitation of National Road No 5, Cameroon
2015 Best Practice Examples for Sustainable Urban and Rural Mobility, Research Project on behalf of Matthias Gastel (MP, Green Party)
2014 KfW: Pre-Feasibility Study on Transport Options and Trunk Road Concepts to Reduce Traffic Crossing the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
2012-2013 GIZ: Sustainable Urban Transport Master Plan, Windhoek, Namibia
AFCAP: Smallholder Farmers to Meet New Agricultural Market Demands, Kenya
GIZ: Market strategies for the German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI), Efficient and climate friendly Mobility
KfW: Socially-Inclusive, Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Urban Mobility in Developing Cities
2011 European Parliament: Reducing railway noise pollution
2010 -2011 EU Project: WEATHER EXTREMES: Assessment of Impacts on Transport Systems and Hazards for European Regions
2009 World Bank: Freight Transport For Development Toolkit, Rural Transport.
2008 - 2009 EU Project ASSET: Assessing Sensitiveness to Transport
2008 KfW: Aid Efficiency in the Infrastructure Sector (Paris Declaration)
2007 KfW: Rural Roads and Markets in Western and Central Province, Pre-Evaluation Kenya
2007 EU Project REFIT: Refinement and Test of Sustainability and Tools with Regard to European Transport Policies
2007 EU Project GRACE: Generalisation of Research on Accounts and Cost Estimation
2006 - 2007 GTZ: National Transport Strategy Saudi Arabia
2006 EU Project COMPETE: Analysis of the contribution of transport policies to the competitiveness of the EU economy and comparison with the United States
2006 Umweltbundesamt: Application of Methods for the Internalisation of External Costs
2005 World Bank: Evaluation of the Rural Travel and Transport Program (component of SSATP)
2005 African Development Bank: Pre-appraisal mission of the Rural Access and Mobility Project, Nigeria.
2005 InWEnt: Sustainable Logistic Concepts in Commercial Transport III, SADC
2004 Public Planning and Policy Studies Inc. (Tokyo, Japan): Financing and Cost Sharing of Local Roads in Germany
2003 - 2004 GTZ-Project Design: Road Transport Advisor to the Minister (Namibia)
2003 Public Planning and Policy Studies Inc. (Tokyo, Japan): Comparative investigation in road structural design (Germany)
2002 German Railways (DB AG): Integrated planning of trains and buses
2002 GTZ International Services: Niger Delta Master Plan (Nigeria)
2002 KfW: Rural Markets and Roads, Pre-appraisal Mission (Bangladesh)
2001 - 2002 German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF): Flexible Service Provision for Public Transport (AMABILE)
2001 GTZ: Financing Urban Roads (Workshop in Namibia)
2001 EU: Marginal Costs of Transport in Europe
1999 - 2001 Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR): Integration of regional planning targets into federal transport planning (BVWP)
1999 German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF): Contribution of Nord-Thüringen for the InnoRegio-Competition.
1999 World Bank: Rural Travel and Transport Program RTTP (Ministère des Travaux Publics, Madagascar)
1999 UIC: External Effects of Transport in Europe (Update)
1997 IFRTD: Design of transport research projects: Kenya and India
1996 Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg: Handbook on Transport in Baden-Württemberg
1995 UIC: External Effects of Transport in Europe
1995 FIAT: Comparative Transport Study in eight G7-Cities, Hamburg
1994 Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg: Regional Traffic Management for Stuttgart STORM
1993 - 1994 EU/SADC: Regional Transport and Communications Integration Study for Southern Africa
1993 - 1994 Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg: General Transport Plan
1993 Federal Ministry for Spatial Planning: Transport Action Programme for the Spatial Planning Framework
1992 - 1993 Ministry of Transport Sachsen: General Transport Plan, Sachsen
1991 - 1992 Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg: Integrated Urban Transport Project, Stuttgart
1990 - 1992 Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg: Transport in Europe, compilation of a workshop reader

2016Lectures on Innovative Transport Logistics at the Dual High School Stuttgart
since 2010 UNITAR: Course on Sustainable Urban Mobility in Developing Countries, online learning module on sustainable urban transport.
since 2005 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: Lectures and Seminars on Organisation und Management of Development Projects
1992-1996 University Karlsruhe: Seminars on Economy of Developing Countries conducted at the Economics Department
1992-1996 Verwaltungsakademie Karlsruhe: Lectures on ‘Economic problems of developing countries’
Management  Skills
2011-2016Business ManagementIncorporation of a private limited company,
Managing Director TCP International
Since 2002 Project Cycle Management Project and Programme Evaluation
Project design, cost assessment, tendering
Project appraisal, monitoring, report writing
Since 1996 Knowledge Management Organisation of international workshops and seminars
Editing of reports, newsletters, web pages (mostly in English)
Data bases, knowledge dissemination
1996 - 1998 Networking Initiation of an international network on rural transport in Developing Countries
Initiation and support of Non-Government Organisation (NGOs) in Developing Countries
Fund-raising for various activities of NGOs

Click here to download a list of my references. For more information, please don't hesitate to ask for my CV.

Dr. Niklas Sieber
Heidestrasse 47
70469 Stuttgart
Office    + 49 711 / 806 3269
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Fax:      + 49 711 / 806 7426